
In his retirement, Stan’s great joy has been gardening. The still, quiet hours in the early morning are his treasures. He starts most days a bit before sunrise, even as his wife, Tanya and their shaggy dog, Cliff, still slumber. He starts a pot of coffee and takes a walk around the yard, allowing himself moments to slowly shake off sleep. He’d always been an early riser but using the cooler hours of the morning to tend to the home’s green spaces made more sense.

Before winter set in, Stan’s last effort was prepping the wildflower patch on the side of the house for the benefit of the new year’s bees. But now, he drinks his coffee at the kitchen nook overlooking the backyard and imagines what colors and textures of blooms he could add to the land waiting beneath this final frost. Later, after sitting down to breakfast with Tanya (and that adorable beggar, Cliff), he’ll take a ride to the local nursery. “What heirloom vegetables and fruits could I start this year,” he wonders, as he finishes his coffee, puts on his gloves, and steps back out to turn over the beds in the back garden.

As Daylight Savings time ends, we can’t help but think of the many ways to enjoy the longer daylight ahead of us. Stan takes advantage of the extra sunlight and dives into his favorite new hobby, gardening. Researchers have found that gardening not only provides good physical exercise, but also stress relief and stimulation for brain health. In addition to gardening, we recommend going for walks in your local parks, baking, outdoor yoga, and games like bocce ball and badminton. For those with limited mobility, we could implement a potted tomato plant or small fruit tree in a sunny window of the house. Perhaps a pot of beautiful flowers that can be tended easily. With spring and its longer days coming, we feel inspired to engage in activities that make good use of the extra daylight.

Whatever way you choose to make the most of these brighter days, we are right here to support you. If you or someone in your family are facing aging challenges, please give us a call at 610-667-2838 or email us at CareManagement@waverlyheights.org. We’ll be happy to assist!